Dual Heat:
Water Heating:
Air Conditioning:
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Moorhead Public Service works to create programs that will provide the service you need at rates you can afford.
If you have questions about a program or service offered by Moorhead Public Service, please contact us at 218.477.8000 (Option 4) or
Thrifty Watts®
Thrifty Watts® is a residential load management program offered by Moorhead Public Service (MPS) to qualifying residential electric customers beginning in 2012. Thrifty Watts® allows MPS to cycle your central air conditioner, or both your central air conditioner and electric water heater, on and off during periods of high electric usage in return for a credit applied to your monthly utility bill. There is no cost to the customer nor does the customer need to supply or purchase any special equipment.
Central air conditioners cycled by Thrifty Watts® will be on for approximately 12 minutes and off for approximately 12 minutes during our peak energy usage times. For allowing this cycling, MPS will credit your utility bill $9/month during the summer months of June, July, and August. For an additional credit of $3/month year-round, MPS will turn off your electric water heater for up to 4 hours per control period.
Note: Dual Fuel customers are not eligible to participate in Thrifty Watts.
For additional information on Thrifty Watts, click here.
Bright Energy Solutions® is a unique portfolio of energy efficient rebate incentive programs that will help you reduce your electric energy costs and operate more efficiently. Once the energy efficient equipment is installed, you'll continue to enjoy the energy savings well into the future. Click here to take advantage of these incentives today!
If you use electricity as your primary heating source, or if you are thinking about it, consider applying to the Moorhead Public Service Dual-fuel program!
A dual-fuel system uses two independent heating systems to heat your home. MPS Dual-fuel customers use electricity as the primary source of heat. Propane, oil, natural gas, or storage heat can be used as the back-up heat source. Each dual-fuel customer is furnished with a radio receiver. With this receiver, MPS can switch your home from electric heat to your back-up source of heat during peak periods when demand for electricity is highest. When you become a Dual-fuel customer, you will save 50 percent off the regular retail rate on all of the electricity that your electric heating system uses. MPS offers low interest loans and rebates to qualifying residential Dual-fuel customers to help finance upgrades to your heating system.
Residential Dual-fuel customers can also take advantage of this low rate for their electric water heating and air conditioning. Becoming a Dual-fuel customer makes "cents"! Contact Moorhead Public Service at 218-477-8000 (Option 4) or e-mail MPS at
Residential Dual-Fuel Guidelines
MPS Electric Service Rules and Regulations 507.1-507.26)
507 Dual-Fuel Program
507.1 Availability. MPS’ dual-fuel rate is available to all residential and commercial dual-fuel Customers who comply with these regulations.
507.2 Application for Service. Residential and commercial Customers applying for the dual-fuel program must fill out a dual-fuel application and sign the dual-fuel agreement.
507.3 Heating System. The primary heating system for the home or business shall be permanently-connected electric heat. The primary heating system must provide 100 percent of the heating needs for the home or business during the off-peak hours.
The secondary heating system must utilize thermal storage or be fueled by natural gas, fuel oil, or propane. The secondary heating system must be thermostatically-controlled and capable of providing the Customer’s total heating requirements during MPS control periods. The Customer must submit a guaranty from their heating contractor stating that the secondary heating system is capable of meeting the home’s entire heating needs.
507.4 Heat Pumps. Electric heat pumps and their supplemental electric heat components qualify as a primary heating source for the dual-fuel program if the unit provides 100 percent of the heating needs of the home or business during off-peak hours. A qualified secondary heating system must be present if electric heat pumps are used.
Residential Customers with heat pumps are required to also control the cooling component (air conditioning) of the heat pump. MPS will compensate the residential Customers using heat pumps for air conditioning with the dual-fuel rate.
Commercial Customers with heat pumps will not be controlled or receive the dual-fuel rate for the air conditioning component of the heat pump. Instead, MPS will compensate commercial Customers on the Small General Service rate during the summer season as defined by MPS’ Rate Schedule.
507.5 Radiant Floor Heat. Electric radiant floor heating, such as an electric boiler hydronic system or an electric cable system, qualifies as a primary heating source for the dual-fuel program if the unit provides 100 percent of the heating needs of the home or business during off-peak hours.
Radiant floor heat storage may also be used as a qualified secondary heating system; however, the heating contractor must submit a guaranty to MPS stating the radiant floor storage is capable of meeting the home’s entire heating needs.
507.6 Thermostat. The primary and secondary heating systems must be on a common thermostat. This results in temperature stability when MPS requires the secondary system to operate.
507.7 Customer Bypass Switch. The control scheme wiring installed by the Customer’s electrician must include a test bypass switch. This switch will enable the Customer to manually switch off the primary electric heating and turn on the secondary heating for maintenance and testing.
507.8 Metering Requirements. Qualified Customers are required to have an additional meter to measure the dual-fuel electricity. MPS does not allow
sub-metering or subtractive metering. The regular service meter, dual-fuel meter, and dual-fuel control unit must be mounted on the outside of the Customer’s home or business.
507.9 Equipment Furnished by MPS. The dual-fuel meter, in-line fuses, and dual-fuel control unit will be furnished to the Customer. MPS will own and operate these devices.
507.10 Equipment Furnished by the Customer. Customers shall provide all other equipment not furnished by MPS. This includes a primary and secondary heating system and all electrical wiring necessary to permit switching of controlled electric loads.
507.11 Equipment Installation. All equipment installed by the Customer must conform to MPS’ rules and regulations, the State of Minnesota Electrical Code, and the National Electrical Code. All equipment shall be installed at the Customer’s expense.
507.12 Dual-Fuel Control Unit. The dual-fuel control unit provided by MPS shall be mounted in an upright position adjacent to the dual-fuel meter with the wiring connection made through approved conduit and “T” or bell box. The dual-fuel control unit shall be easily accessible for maintenance and testing.
507.13 Control Wiring. All 120-volt/240-volt control transformers for heating and cooling must be fed from the same circuit as the fan in a forced air system, from the same circuit as the pump in a hot water system, from the same circuit as the living room heat circuit of a baseboard system. Wiring to the dual-fuel control unit must have a minimum insulation of 600-volt rating. All control wire splices shall be placed in an approved junction box and wired in accordance with the NEC.
507.14 Affidavit. Customers applying for a dual-fuel electric service must file an affidavit with MPS. This affidavit will require inspection by a State electrical inspector.
507.15 Inspection by MPS. MPS will inspect the installed equipment to assure that it conforms to regulations. MPS will also periodically inspect the operation of the dual-fuel control unit and heating system.
507.16 Electric Storage Water Heaters. Qualified residential dual-fuel Customers may elect to add their electric storage water heater to the dual-fuel rate. MPS offers two options of water heater control:
1) Short-Term Control. Water heaters will be controlled less than four hours at a time. Customers using this option will receive a monthly billing credit, as provided for in MPS’ Rate Schedule. Water heaters using short-term control must be wired to the main service panel and are not eligible for the dual-fuel rate.
2) Long-Term Control. Water heaters will be controlled up to
eight hours at a time. Water heaters using long-term control must be wired to the dual-fuel panel and will receive the dual-fuel rate as approved in the Rate Schedule.
507.17 Central Air Conditioners. Qualified residential dual-fuel Customers may elect to add their single-phase, 240-volt, central air conditioner to the
dual-fuel rate. The Customer must provide a system that uses the common dual-fuel relay contact in the dual-fuel control unit. During control periods, the compressor of the air conditioner will be cycled in approximately 12-minute on/off cycles.
507.18 Other Qualifying Loads. Qualified dual-fuel residential Customers may elect to add permanently-wired electric heating units for hot tubs and pool heaters to the dual-fuel rate. Permanently-wired, 240-volt, electric garage heat is also eligible for the dual-fuel rate. Customers should be aware that no secondary heating system is required for these loads and, therefore, the heat will be shut off during MPS control periods.
507.19 Non-Qualifying Loads. Appliances, including washers, dryers, ranges, and saunas, are not eligible for the dual-fuel rate.
507.20 Customer Bypass Switch. The control scheme wiring installed by the Customer shall include a text bypass switch. The switch will enable the Customer to manually switch off the primary electric hearing and turn on the secondary heating for the maintenance and testing.
507.21 Maintenance of Equipment. The Customer shall maintain all equipment except the dual-fuel control unit and any meters owned by MPS.
507.22 Tampering. If MPS discovers that any service has been tampered with so as to defeat the intent of these regulations, the Customer will immediately be removed from the dual-fuel rate. All electricity on the dual-fuel meter used between the last inspection and discovery of the tampering will be billed at the highest rate in effect for the Customer class.
507.23 Liability. MPS will be held harmless from any obligation or responsibility concerning the installation or operation of any system connected to the dual-fuel meter. Maintenance of the system is completely the responsibility of the Customer.
507.24 Multiple Dwelling Residences and Commercial Dual Fuel. If a central heating system is used for primary/secondary heat, the complementary primary/secondary heating system must also be a central unit for all multiple units. Likewise, if an individual unit has an independently metered primary heating service, the secondary heat must be an individual unit. The dual-fuel program is available to multiple dwellings only if all units within are changed to dual fuel.
507.25 Customers Moving into a Home with Dual Fuel. Customers who purchase or move into a home that currently participates in the dual-fuel program will automatically continue to receive the dual-fuel rate, unless the Customer notifies MPS. MPS will inform the Customer of the program rules and regulations.
507.26 Ending Participation in the Program. Customers who no longer wish to participate or are removed from the dual-fuel program must wait one full year from termination to re-apply for the program. MPS will schedule a time to remove the dual-fuel control unit and meter. Customers no longer participating in the program must hire an electrician to move the heating/water heating/air conditioning, permanently-wired electric heating units for hot tubs and pool heaters, and electric garage heat from the dual-fuel panel to the main service panel.
For a full set of MPS' Electric Service Rules and Regulations, click here.