Thank you for visiting The goals of this website are to provide our customers with informational resources, educational tools, and interesting facts about Moorhead Public Service operations. We will continually update the site to provide you with timely information about our operations and our community, so be sure to stop back often.
Who is Moorhead Public Service?
Moorhead Public Service (MPS) is a consumer-owned electric and water utility, serving more than 18,000 customers within a community of over 45,000. Located on the Minnesota-North Dakota border, Moorhead is part of the metropolitan area of Fargo-Moorhead, West Fargo, and Dilworth, with a combined population of approximately 175,000.
MPS receives no tax dollars. Instead, nearly $8 million in utility revenues are transferred each year to the City of Moorhead's general, capital improvement, and economic development funds. The Moorhead Public Service Commission is comprised of customer-owners who govern the utility. It's six members are appointed by the City Council. The Moorhead Public Service Commission approves the utility budget and establishes water and electric rates for consumers.
Moorhead Public Service Mission Statement
As a community-owned utility, Moorhead Public Service will strive to be recognized as a regional leader by providing innovative, efficient, reliable, and environmentally responsible municipal services in a manner that maximizes our community's current and future success.
For more specifics, please see below sections.